On Being A Christ Follower (16)
Following Christ requires more than an initial decision; it requires
Following Christ requires more than an initial decision; it requires
The rebel’s cross. The Redeemer’s cross. The redeemed’s cross. Two
I look back over my life and see opportunities for
The king was seen as a shepherd by the prophets;
You can even hear echos of the Isaiah fast (58:5-7)
Luke 4:18a "The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
We have not been called to be commentators, merely theologizing
The church gets lost when it ceases to truly follow
God is not the author of confusion. Confusion, disunity and
The message of the Kingdom of God has become a
Inner peace can be illusive to us. We are seeking
It seems that there are two extremes when it comes
The earliest confession and creed of Christians was , “Jesus
The NT epistles often call on us to discover who
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone