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“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from
“As he passed by, he saw a man blind from
Gideon was a rare soul. He had an offer to
The evil is not the number 666, but what it
Humankind have a way of hearing a god who is
God is so sovereign that He gives us freedom to
Our God is a speaking God. “He made known his
“Focus first on the kingdom of God and righteousness and
The preaching of the arrival of the Kingdom of God
Heaven was at work with Jesus on earth. He was
Following Christ requires more than an initial decision; it requires
In Heaven God’s kingship is fully acknowledged. It is the
The grace of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit Himself, is
Jesus taught that service was the true measure of greatness.
The words, ”If you let this Man go, you are
Sadly, the desire for power and control rears its ugly