Dwelling With Trinity
The Holy Spirit, a member of the Holy Trinity, indwells
The Holy Spirit, a member of the Holy Trinity, indwells
“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and
When we have put to death self-centeredness, allowing the Holy
We have experiences that we can’t explain. I heard a
In Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron were critical of Moses
We all have opinions; humility says, “I could be wrong”.
Humility is a forgotten and most neglected virtue. It is
We place too much value on getting out of the
Believing that God controls every decision and action of humankind,
When Jesus washed the disciples feet He asked them, “Do
“Humble yourselves…your adversary is seeking to devour you” (I Peter
You don’t know that you don’t know. When you are
Bullies bluff their way through life; the only God who
Most of us love ourselves quite well. We know what
The people who do not need to be number one