The Promise of the Isaiah Fast (Day 21)
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
“Is it not to share your food with the hungry
“Love the stranger” was a unique command to Israel not
If you have wisdom to share, speak it with meekness.
We show partiality to those with status, wealth, beauty, youth,
He who gives bread to mankind became the “Bread of
Some houses are welcoming and inclusive to all; some shut
When someone enters your home you want to make them
Throughout history there have been those who have taken the
Jesus amazingly invited Himself to be a guest in the
A Nation of Priests “You are a chosen people. You
Building community is an activity of the Kingdom of God
The Emmaus' Stranger awaited an invitation of hospitality. They discovered
When we practice the Isaiah Fast (Isaiah 58:5-7) there is
Isaiah 58:5-7 (NIV) “Is it not to share your food