Derailed Prayer
Prayer running on the rails of selfish-asking is a train
Prayer running on the rails of selfish-asking is a train
Two words, thanks and giving, are joined to make one
“So you have not received a spirit that makes you
We blame lots of things for the sin of the
Jesus was faithful to the Father in His mission to
What I do comes down to who I am. Actions
Wise parents do not treat all of their children the
The Psalmist cried out to see the face of God.
Jesus is the founder and perfecter of faith/faithfulness. After the
Atonement theories that stop with the cross rob the atonement
There is something God-like in all of us when we
What do you do when religion becomes a burden? Jesus
How many times have you heard or said, “I am
God reaches out to man to draw man to Himself
The path to holiness leads through the humanity of Jesus.