The Cosmic Christ
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
Some worship and admire their own faces and bodily appearance;
Father, reshape us from all the ways we have been
Your real self is like a diamond hidden in the
The inhumanity of humans to other humans cuts away not
We are made in God’s image to accurately represent Him
Years ago Dr. Mildred Wynkoop wrote a great book, called
In some quarters, there is a pessimistic view of ever
Believing that God controls every decision and action of humankind,
The Son of God became fully human by incarnation. He
The pilgrimage toward holiness is not to an arrival, but
Adam’s way of being like God was different from Christ’s
“He has granted to us his precious and very great
3) You are to treat people as if they were
Beauty contests put supreme value on physical attraction. The wealthy