A Disciplined Journey
The undisciplined live a life that goes here and there
The undisciplined live a life that goes here and there
How do you lose your way? Turn to your own
The understanding of a child is not the same as
People avoid discipline because it is not fun. Those who
I don’t like books or movies that leave me hanging
Deuteronomy 28 promised exile for idolatry. You would think that
We are both objects of grace and channels of grace.
Our thoughts make or break us. The mind is where
Sometimes we just don’t feel like it. Getting up. Going
So much of that with which we fill our minds
Folks who use their tongue to praise God on Sunday
We must not pride ourselves in discovering truth, when in
We are instructed as disciples to pray at all times
Behaviors have consequences. Smoking can lead to lung cancer and
“Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one