On Being A Christ Follower (19)
Following Jesus means that we move from a self-centered life
Following Jesus means that we move from a self-centered life
Following Jesus is about living a life that is as
The high priest was chosen from among humankind to make
Following Christ requires more than an initial decision; it requires
He knows me; His divine knowledge and the incarnation guarantee
When we do not intentionally follow Jesus we become idol
Without following Christ we can never be what we were
In following Jesus, three things have to come together as
We unlearn bad behaviors by repeating and practicing good behaviors.
Early in my life I came to think that conversion
It is not possible to follow Jesus as we should
We often aspire to being like Christ in His gentleness,
Jesus was a person of prayer. He was in constant
Jesus had a mission; we have a mission. Our mission
3) You are to treat people as if they were