Creative Breath
According to Genesis, humans were created by the breath of
According to Genesis, humans were created by the breath of
The gospel of Jesus Christ advances by witness and persuasion.
The Father affirmed the Son at His baptism. “Immediately coming
“Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who
We refer to the Jews “as God’s chosen people”. We
Trials can have a way of consuming us. They can
Some worship and admire their own faces and bodily appearance;
Theologically we seek to balance the immanence and transcendence of
Experiences can often change us in profound ways. A trip
You may tell what a person is by what they
To be a Christian, I believe, is to be a
Split-second decisions are both choices and an expression of who
The Tempter does not want you to know that it
All the energy that flows through and sustains the universe
When our theology is not transformative, we are just playing