Love Your Master
The creedal statement “Jesus is Lord!’ means that Jesus is
The creedal statement “Jesus is Lord!’ means that Jesus is
Christ is bigger than we imagine in our small ways
We would like to have a pushbutton religious experience to
When I am looking for a brown sock, I will
Isaiah had a wonderful vision of the age of the
Our spiritual formation is never finished. Our sanctification, which starts
GMO stands for “Genetically Modified Organism”. This is a practice
We do not own Jesus; He owns us. “Does He
Truth is bigger than we are; it is much more
Life was not fair to Joseph: a pit, a bloody
I watched him as he walked around the nursing home
The words “believe in Jesus” is far more than mental
We are born from above to be like God: we
The fact that God became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth
Someone good did finally come out of Nazareth. Contrary to