Shared Pain
We find these words strange. “Now I rejoice in my
We find these words strange. “Now I rejoice in my
We are to become like Jesus in resisting temptation, loving
When we begin to live like Him the world
King Jesus invites us to make the slave our brother,
An apprentice is one who seeks to live out Jesus’
An apprentice of Jesus seeks to live out His model of the kingdom of God in servanthood while rejecting arrogance, manipulation, power and control as ways of getting ahead.
The Father believes in you even when you do not
“I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished
As life unfolds, so does self-discovery. We keep learning things
When we get on the topside of our dark clouds,
There are those who think they are in who are
There were those who looked in and felt left out.
God is focused on the other. The members of the
Personal spirituality is vain if we are not seeking to
The King of the Jews was mocked with a robe,