The Unplanned
It is good to make plans, set goals and dream
It is good to make plans, set goals and dream
Self-exalting narcissism never ends well. The law of the universe
Prayer cannot take the place of endurance and perseverance. Prayer
Jesus’ exile to Egypt was God’s protection of Him for
To exiled Israel it was said, “The LORD appeared to
Forgiveness enables us to move forward, to not get stuck
Someone has said, “Life evokes character.” We learn who we
The light that shines on our path comes from the
I walked along a painful way, under the weight of
Evil and suffering are not inherently meaningful. Chronic illness and
“And I sought for a man among them who should
God dwells in our spirit, but He is not our
We are not only called to run the race (Heb
The existence of the church, and one’s personal faith, is
Sometimes the desert is a better teacher than the beach.