Captive to Satan
Thinking that leads away from truth leads toward captivity. Actions
Thinking that leads away from truth leads toward captivity. Actions
Holiness is derived from our relationship with God, who is
The Father believes in you even when you do not
Belief that does not express itself in works is not
We are born to love God. This reality calls for
We are too intimidated by the culture’s limitations and parameters
The Holy Spirit becomes in us, “A well of water
The presence of the Spirit of Jesus has the power
Jesus invites us to ask the Father for the Spirit.
“Do you not know that you are a temple of
Trinity Sunday: The Father sent His Son, and then, through
In the ancient temple of Israel there were separate courts
Does your joy have glory in it? Is there something
The Holy Spirit dwells in our deep inner self so
Promptings of The Spirit (3), In Prayer: Stories abound about a