Unrealistic Expectations
Do not expect to have growth and maturity without discipline.
Do not expect to have growth and maturity without discipline.
The fullness of the Spirit is mystical, but not
Christ stands above us as the Lord we worship.
To say we believe in the Trinity is not to
The first step in the 12 step program is to
The word Jesus in the NT Greek is the translation
Humans are broken and need to be made whole. By
In Psalm 31, David speaks of his great troubles. In
There are times when the presence of our Lord is
Creation was designed by a Mind greater than any mind
To forgive another is an act of worship to the
“Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the
When Jesus said, “I am the way,” He also said,
Joy and sorrow are not incompatible. Joy and sorrow may
“Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his presence continually”