The parallels between the creation story in Genesis 1 and John’s new creation story in John 1 are amazing.  The first command in Genesis 1 is “let there be light.”  At this command darkness went away.  John tells us that Jesus is the Light Whom the darkness could not overcome/extinguish.  Jesus’ life enters our life and expels the darkness.  Darkness is pre-creation and light is new creation.  New creation has already begun in the creating Word!  The dominion and domination of darkness in our lives is behind us.  When we let Him have uncontested right of way in our lives, we will be astonished at what the Creator will make of us.

“In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:4-5 (NRSV)