The fact that human beings can be converted and changed is a wonderful thing.  Without it there is no hope for individuals or society.   Conversion involves repentance, which is making an about face, turning in a new direction.  Grace enables this.  There is a paradoxical sense in which we keep completing our conversion.  Sometimes our thinking is converted last.  Jonah preached to Nineveh but was not yet converted to love and pity them the way God did.   Peter was sent to the household of Cornelius and was converted from his prejudice.  Earlier, Peter insisted that he would not deny the Lord but did not know there was something in himself that desperately needed to change.  “But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not: and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:32).

Father, You truly know me better than I know myself.  Keep working in me to convert all the things that need to change in my life, of which I am blind without Your light.