My Testimony:  When I was a young preacher, I heard discouraging old preachers telling how wonderful the revival moves of the Spirit were in the “good old days” and how dead things were now, how powerless and worldly the new generation was.  That was over 50 years ago that this minister was discouraged by that contrast.  Then one day the Lord said to me, “Lamar, I did not call you to serve in that past age, I called you to serve in this age.”  Then I heard Charles Wesley’s words from the marvelous hymn, “A Charge To Keep”.  He wrote, “To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill; Oh, may it all my powers engage to do my Master’s will!”  It saved my ministry.  I also determined that I would not be one of those griping old preachers on the sidelines, discouraging younger ministers, most of whom are really doing their best to serve in tough times.  I determined to be a Barnabas to them.  They have enough problems without cynical old critics.  Pray for them.  Encourage them.  They need it.