The New Testament affirms that Christ is the head of the church and the church is his body (Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18).  The church is ever plagued with would-be lords of the church.  They want to control where the church is going.  They are forever telling the church what it ought to be doing, producing guilt and frustration.  They sit in judgment of fellow believers in the seat of Christ.  They want to direct the church, sitting in the place of the Spirit.  They want to be highly esteemed, sitting in the Father’s place.

Lord Jesus, the church is Your body.  You are the head of the church.  Forgive us for trying to take over what belongs to you.  Cleanse us from the self that wants to rule others.  Teach us to ever look to you as the Lord of the Church.  Teach us how to yield to the Spirit as He moves on and through His body.  Teach us the humility of being serving members of the body.  May we not jeopardize our souls by doing otherwise. Amen!