Death sentence.  Executioners act.   A Roman cross.  Stop.  Pause.  Look.  Listen.  Feel.  Smell.  Blood pours.  Flies swarm.  Thorns throb.  Jesus forgives.  Vinegar offered.  Politicians gloat.  Friends forsake.  Crowd rails.  Men gaze.  The hardened laugh.  Religionists delight.  Demons taunt.  Women weep.  Soldiers gamble.  Disciples scatter.  Breath departs.  The Lamb dies.  Sword pierces.  Rome is relieved.  The earth quakes.  The sun hides. God weeps.  Veil is torn.  It is finished.  Sacrifice completed.  Death is defeated.  Serpent is crushed.  Love wins.

Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. John 19:30 (NASB)