He is dead.  Unbelievable.  He is in the tomb.  His Mother Mary and the other women, as well as the disciples, felt inexpressible anguish.  This was not a common death of someone they loved who died at a ripe old age.  This was one who had been torn from them in an awful unjust trial and execution.  Dashed hopes!  Sickening despair!  “Oh my God, we can’t believe it is over!”  Have you been there in a dark tomb with a stone rolled to the door?  God does not forget His own, even when they are in some grave.

Father, for the ones who are now going through some very dark tomb time,  I pray that You would bring them through.  May Your light break in.  May You give them new and better days.  In the Name of your victorious Son I pray.  Amen.